Jumat, 06 Mei 2011

Muslim fashion Istanbul - Freedom or Oppression

Fashion and fashion on the middle eastern Islamic countries, namely Istanbul-Turkey. This part of Islamic culture in Turkey even though they struggled with the injustice of women who covered manakali men do not.

Muslim Clothing, Muslim women

Muslim Clothing, Muslim women
Muslim Istanbul, Muslim fashion
Muslim Istanbul, Muslim fashion
Muslim women,fashion show
Muslim women,show women
Muslim women, women show
A book entitled Nine Parts of Desire: The Hidden World of Islamic Women, by Geraldine Brooks, enlightened me somewhat on the topic. Apparently the theory (Islamic) is that women are incredibly sensuous beings; Allah granted them 9 parts of desire, giving men only one. Therefore, women have to cover themselves in order to keep the world from descending into chaos (of a sensual nature).

Since the establishment of the Turkish Republic in 1923, it has been unlawful for women to wear scarves in public buildings, including schools. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, Turkey’s revered founder, was adamant that Turkey be a secular state even though its predominant religion was Islam. That is still true in this country, which is 99% Muslim. Turks take great pride in their secular government, a model of democracy in an Islamic world.

Design And Style Islamic Clothing Go to Indonesia

Fashion show and traditional Indonesian kebaya design, with fashion and fashion shows the strength of Islam in an attempt to bring Islam into the modern fashion. Withchanges the traditional Indonesian kebaya which aimed to makeovers in the hands of innovative designers ( Getty Images) . With beautiful design and interesting and modern Indonesian kebaya made ​​better known.

Islamic Clothing, Clothing in Indonesia

Growing demand for stylish yet still modest fashions in the world's most populous Islamic nation is helping power efforts to bring Islamic fashion into the modern age, a movement symbolized by changes to the iconic kebaya, a blouse-dress combination.

Senin, 18 April 2011

Muslim Clothing - Women Clothing For Year 2011

Moslem wear a beautiful and wonderful to be a choice any Muslim women in order to appear more confident apibila beforecrowds , especiallyin wearing pakian it to a specific invitation therefore needs to specify options as well as possible.
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<br />Muslim Clothing, Women Clothing

<br />Muslim Clothing, Women Clothing

<br />Muslim Clothing design

Women Clothing design

Clothing, Women Clothing

Kamis, 07 April 2011

Victoria Beckham Handbags Design

Design of the first collection bag Vicki Beckham With the help of a designer kate Hillier and the general concept "in the life of Victoria Beckham", which means some of the bags have special compartments to hold your whip in case someone gets rude with you.












Vicki's been remarkably successful as a fashion designer, far moreso than we would have predicted. At this point, we'd say she's poised to be one of the few celebrity designers who might actually make a long-term go of it and still be here in ten years, flogging her wares. Part of the reason she's so successful is not because she has great design skills; it's because she is innately chic and that translates to her pieces, none of which could ever be accused of being over-designed. Simplicity and minimalism is what Vicki goes for and it's a smart move. On the other hand, these are so simple and minimal (a more complimentary term would be "classic") that we fear they have no personality at all. They're lovely and we have no doubt they're extremely well made and of the highest quality materials, but considering they'll be retailing in the $1,800-$14,000 range, one would think the buyer would want a little something-something for their money. Then again, we can hardly claim to be among the demographic who purchases $14,000 handbags, so what do we know about their potential success? They look good; as we said, classic and chic. But we wouldn't be able to pick them out of a lineup.